
Problems of the use of facade tiles

The facade cladding procedure can currently be carried out by many materials. And among them it is necessary to especially note the facade tiles. There are many options that differ in external characteristics, practicality and cost. The most expensive owners of dwellings are a tile of granite.

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Recently, the demand for marble facade tiles, which used to be very popular, is gradually decreasing. And the reason for this is not at all that it is expensive. To a greater extent, the fragility of the tile influenced the reduction in the demand of the material. Much stronger in this case, porcelain tiles.

If it is made qualitatively, the term of its use can be up to 100 years. Unfortunately, domestic manufacturers of such a coating is not too much. Most of the tile samples are brought to us from Europe. At the factories that are located in the country, a small format tile is produced.

But such material in the process of facade work is not too much in demand, since its styling is very laborious. An interesting option for facade tiles is agglomerate. There are no voids in the structure of this material, but its cost is lower than samples made of natural stone.