
Plaster, all variety

Of course, plaster is the most common and traditional finishing material. Despite the emergence of new technologies and methods of leveling walls, floor, ceiling and other surfaces, plaster decoration does not give up its positions and is a priority for most Russian consumers.

This is the most economical option for masking the shortcomings of planes for painting or wallpaper, but also a separate type of decoration of buildings facades. High -quality plaster has a number of useful properties, including: low level of exposure to aggressive temperature factors and negative effects of chemicals, interaction with insulation and safety for the human body. Thanks to rapidly progressive technologies in the production of finishing materials, the modern market offers many the latest advanced types of plaster. These are colored, stone, terrazite, sgrafito and Venetian decorative. Everything differs in composition, texture, method of application and, accordingly, the area of ​​application. If you delve in particular in particular, it will be possible to decide on the choice of the best option.