
Installation of drywall figures

Everyone wants to do something unusual in their apartment or country house. For example, you can make figures made of drywall on the ceiling. This interior will decorate your home well and emphasize the individuality of its inhabitant.

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Installation of drywall figures, if desired, can be done independently. To do this, you will need at least the initial skills in working with this material and one assistant. First you need to draw the figure you need on the ceiling and make it marking on a drywall sheet. Next, you need to make a frame from a metal profile on the ceiling in the form of an conceived figure.

For fasteners of this design, you will need a punch, with which holes are made under the dowel of nails. They are necessary for the fasteners of a metal profile to the ceiling. Further, at a distance of 50 cm from each other, bars are attached to the bottom of the structure, connecting one side to the other. They are attached to the ceiling using special metal agrafs. After all the work done, it is necessary to collect the figure itself using pre -carved parts of drywall. The lower part of the cut figure is attached using self -tapping screws to the bar.

It is not difficult to assemble this unusual design made of drywall on the ceiling and this can be done independently.