
Features of working with wide wallpaper

To date, the stores have a very large selection of wallpaper. But, despite this, often the choice of wallpaper during the repair causes many difficulties in many.

Now many choose wide wallpapers for pasting walls. The reason for this, as a rule, is a significant saving of time. But working with a wide canvas is much more complicated than with narrow wallpaper. That is why before the start of the process you need some important aspects, given which you will get a great result.

Only perfectly leveled walls can be glued with wide wallpaper. Therefore, it will not be possible to avoid plastering of the entire surface of the wall. If you neglect this rule, then most likely it will not be possible to get a seamless surface. It is very important when working with wide wallpaper do not rush. It is better to spend a few days on pasting one room. Never leave wide wallpaper after applying the glue to soak for several minutes. A canvas smeared with glue, it is necessary to apply immediately to the wall. Wide wallpaper must be glued together, since one strip of data of wallpaper has a significant weight. When working, you will need a wide table and several ladders.