
Features of the use of laminated plywood

From ordinary plywood – laminated is distinguished by the presence of a special protective layer on both sides of the paper, consisting of paper and a protective coating of resins applied by the lamination method. Laminated plywood is used in furniture production, as well as for various finishing work, both in private construction and for industrial purposes. In the construction of the formwork of reusable use, it is made of laminated sheets of plywood, from the ends protected by special colors. Stability not only to moisture, chemicals, but also to abrasion, allows you to use sheets repeatedly. Doors, floors can be made from such plywood, even various designs are built. Wall panels, partitions, window sills from laminated plywood are used in finishing work. Faner laminated 21 mm can be used to create playgrounds, sports facilities, outdoor decoration of cafes and trading pavilions. With the correct protection of the end sections of laminated plywood, which are its weak places, the service life of finished products and structures is very high. As a basis, both birch and coniferous species of wood can be used.