
Application of non -flanes compounds

The PKB Trust Pltekhdetal also developed a project of a stream automated line with a capacity of about 100 thousand. m2 per year for the manufacture of shaped parts.

The use of the stream line STD-352 with a capacity of 500 thousand. M2 of air ducts per year compared with the existing manufacturing technology will release 40-50 workers, reduce the cost of 1 m2 of the duct from 2 rubles. 67 kopecks. up to 2 rubles. 18 kopecks., will reduce the metal consumption by 30% due to the use of non -flancs in the air ducts made on this line. Despite the relatively high capital costs – 320 thousand. rub.- The payback of the line is about one year. Installed installation and preparatory enterprises and workshops with spiral and spiral-welded camps are equipped. Labor productivity in these camps is 6-10 times higher compared to the usual production of air ducts. Stans can be used not only in the stationary conditions of factories and workshops, but also directly at the facilities under construction, as is practiced with a comprehensive conveyor large -block assembly and installation of the blocking blocks of production buildings.

Spiral -screen pipes made of thin steel tape and roller steel have increased rigidity and accuracy of size; Their production is automated. Conducted modernization of the camps allows them to remove pipes in the range of all normalized diameters and large sizes – 1800-2000 mm.

For cutting roll steel, a special installation has been developed and tested on separate tape of the required width of the PCB of the Trust Pltekhdetal.