
Stretch ceiling mounts

The fastening for such ceilings is the profile. Main materials used: plastic. It is used for seamless stretch ceilings. Because their stretch is sufficient weak, and they do not need strong stiffness. Of course, if PVC ceiling, then this is only a great way to save. But it is better not to do this, since it will quickly. Given the fact that he is under pressure. There were even repeated cases of falling such a ceiling, just a few years after its installation.

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Aluminum. A good choice. There are different types:

– Clip method. Such mounting is carried out to the wall. Usually attached completely, but it is also possible and partially. Only the fastening to the stretch ceiling passes partially. These ceilings are much cheaper than the rest.

-Wedge method. In this method, fastening occurs around the entire perimeter of the stretch ceiling. He has more advantages than the first, firstly, it is cheaper, and secondly, heat guns are not used during installation. If your room with such a ceiling begins to flood, then such a ceiling can withstand up to 35 liters of water. I often use such ceilings with German and Russian canvases.