
We use a cell in our interior

If you like a cage, then you probably know that this is not just lines, with their help you can create beautiful and unforgettable interiors. If you want to use the chess style, then there should be clarity in it and there will be no room for various pots with flowers. As for the combination of cells and modern household appliances, it will be quite beautiful and unusual.

If you wish, you can make a common background, and everything else will not be too bright. If you are a connoisseur of the classics, then you can also use the cage and combine it with mosaics, as well as tissues with a large cell.

When using a cage for country style, a cage in the style of the “village house” is suitable. Most often, such a cell is used in the kitchen and in the living room. The cell can be on the walls, as well as other decor elements, for example, on pillows, napkins, Austrian and French curtains. If you use a cage in the bedroom, then it should be a calm tone. For such a room, it is best to use a plain cell. The cell can be placed in the head of the bed. But if you use a burnt cage, then it will look much more beautiful and mysterious.